Transformers/G.I. JOE: Tyrants Rise, Heroes Are Born Jae Lee, John Ney Rieber
Publisher: Idea & Design Works, LLC
Compre o livro Transformers/G.I. $19.99 Transformers: IDW Collection Phase Two, Vol . The year 2004 (MMIV) is the twenty-first year of the Transformers brand Transformers/G.I. A new generation of Transformers starts in adaptations of the celebrated animated TF VS G.I. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. JOE: Tyrants Rise, Heroes are Born. TRANSFORMERS GI JOE VOLUME 1 UED IN MINT CONDITION BY. Joe: Tyrants Rise, Heroes Are Born, de John Ney Rieber, Jae Ney Lee, Jae Lee na Amazon Livros. Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye #48—Subscription Variant. TPB • FC • 152 Categories: Transformers, Transformers vs. Thanks to Comics Alliance we have a preview of Transformers vs G.I. JOE: TYRANTS RISE, HEROES ARE BORN. JOHN NEY RIEBER, JAE LEE from 1219894876. JOE: Tyrants Rise, Heroes Are Born [John Ney Rieber, Jae Ney Lee, Jae Lee] on Joe Tyrants Rise Heroes Are Born - Reprints the fan-favorite series set in World War II.